Reynard Mills


We were first employed by Notting Hill Housing in 2013 to develop a landscape scheme to support a planning application for residential development of this 2.4ha redundant business park and continued to work on the project through to its construction. The site is extremely sensitive being within an existing residential area and located adjacent to two schools. Extensive community engagement was necessary to achieve planning consent. 

The development consists of 195 units with the core of the site forming 5 storey central flat blocks surrounded by three storey family houses on the periphery. The landscape proposals included hard and soft treatment of the streetscape, including the creation of three key Home Zone areas, a large podium, courtyard gardens and door step play areas. Street trees were chosen to help identify the different character areas of the site.


Notting Hill Home Ownership

Consultant Team

BPTW, Brand Consulting

Completed by Place Design + Planning Ltd