Rainbow Development - Raynes Park, London
The Rainbow development provides a mixed use scheme on a triangular brownfield site which is bounded on all three sides by rail lines. The scheme provides approx. 250 residential units as well as small scale industrial units to retain employment uses on site. In order to provide secure car parking and servicing to dwellings there is a landscaped podium deck above the car park. All occupiers can access residential units from the underground car park or from the various levelled pedestrian access routes on to the podium. This feature places the public realm above the immediate impact of the adjoining railway lines and mitigates their visual intrusion within the site. Holes in the podium slab allow for large scaled trees to grow from existing ground level up through to the podium providing a dramatic link between the car park and gardens. The margins of the site are landscaped with indigenous plants to act as corridors to link with other areas of native planting.
Renders courtesy of Uniform
Workspace Group
Consultant Team:
AHMM Architects
Rolfe Judd
TTP Consulting
Completed by Place Design + Planning Ltd