Northwood TfL, London
PLACE were commissioned by TFL and Notting Hill Genesis to provide the landscape design for the 4.7 acre site around Northwood Station and car park. Northwood Station is located on the Metropolitan line in the London Borough of Hillingdon The site proposed is a mixed use including residential, retail and hospitality. The site has the potential to provide 240 new homes and would deliver a step-free access to the tube station, new public piazza alongside retail and commercial areas and an improved bus interchange. The piazza would provide opportunities for local residents to hold season events and will be a meeting place for people travelling to and from the station.
The amenity landscape proposed will include a mix of hard and soft surface treatments and will include woodland style trees, seating areas, SUDs in form of rain gardens and natural place and creative features for under 5s such as timber beams, playhouse and boulders.
When entering the site vehicles and bicycles will be directed through a one-way route. The entrance road will be framed by planting to soften the access road as well as absorbing surface water runoff. The loop road will accommodate replacement buses, taxis and commuters and access to the two-way southern residential road.
TFL and Notting Hill Genesis
Consultant Team:
Architects –Hawkins\Brown Architects
Engineers - Pell Frischmann
Completed by PLACE Design + Planning Ltd